Tina Martin
I have worked all my life as a painter, in particular interested in the effect of light and atmosphere in watercolour and oils. I achieved my B.A.Hons in Fine Art and had spent my life pursuing my own work, teaching adults to paint and working as a tutor assessor for Wigan Council.
I did a year at Southport College learning basic ceramic techniques around 2005 but it wasn’t until January 2020 that I joined Clayworks, initially wanting to develop my ceramic skills, in particular developing the horse heads that I had started to create about 15 years before. Since then I have become very involved with the sculptural side of working with clay, in particular trying to capture the movement of horses, and also working on different animals and figures.
Email: tina.martin44@yahoo.com
Website: www.tinamartinart.co.uk
Instagram: tinamartinart
Facebook: Tina Martin Fine Artist